

I don't appreciate the idea of being alone. I don't get the point of separation, the need to exclude, and the heart-breaking urge to leave someone. Perhaps it's my personality to always make time for others, time that's not even a part of their comfort when I need them. How could people enjoy the world alone? How could they separate their lives to someone who's patiently waiting for their comeback? How surreal is the feeling of being loved when every moment in time, I feel left unaided?

Request 1

I can't help seeing myself being situated in a constant labyrinth of doubt, fear, and, trauma. Does love this time is that sophisticated that I am not entitled to experience somehow the beguiling sensation of pure extremes of infatuation? I can no longer pull myself out every single day in high hopes that someday, someone will accept the nature I have and consider the pain I might get when they leave. I hope the past me will not fail to feed me experiences relevant and beneficial for my growth for my future self not to repeat this recklessly inevitable history of mine because the present me is suffering. My inner passion and space for love is nearly dying but I am still crossing my fingers believing that one right human can help me out escaping the bars and release the traumatic manacles I have. -anonymous


Settling towards the quietness and plain atmosphere of the hall, surrounded by a regality of men and women socializing around the four corners-only when the lights and musics set the mood made the night worth remembering with blast and sprinkle. Gathered together into this overwhelming night of pride and professionalism are the builders of the future transitioned from the orange touch of shirts to shining and shimmering but fierce gold and black conquering the night and stealing every glimpse and seconds. Mesmerized eyes don't deny the sparkle that made the whole body dropped in a state of shocked as it was worthy to give a chance looking the squinting gowns as if it was a gathering of handsome and pretty faces of successful people. Maybe a little success in each one of us has been celebrated, but to see these guys and friends is very new to me as it was my first time to be in this kind of event. An hour or maybe two had slightly subside the momentum as those ears couldn't hear...

The 8:43 Trauma

I was on my very moment of waking up in a morning I thought was pleasurable but it turned out to be this dreaded and life threatening event that startled everyone to panic around. The twenty-seventh day of July 2022 seems to be a usual day to all Ilocanos. What a pleasure to welcome another day while having a coffee just to match the above scene and the air that gently touches everyone's skin. Located in the 1st floor beside our kitchen is my room where at that time is being occupied by me as I am conditioning myself to college by reviewing all lessons I just learned in my Senior High School. While having a hard time in mastering some mathematical concepts, it feels like a giant person put his foot near our house like what I usually imagine when I am reading and watching fantaseries that I observed the shaking ground on my very shocking moment in thinking where this dilemma came from. I go out immediately and I just realized that there is an earthquake as I saw my family panicking....

The "A" I never forget and the "N" that will never end.

  To reminisce the old familiar place where the eyes meet the other one is something uncomfortable in the presence of your smell, twinkling eyes and the sweet voice of yours. It didn’t report on my always-curious head that to witness again your alluring face is within this occurrence which started my heart to beat faster than my normal rate. It ended a grief though that the sad little heart was in pieces of loneliness for countless times, so I didn’t picture, I didn’t expect. I didn’t imagine ‘coz I know you’re now living on my history, but it was suddenly changed when this day becomes the present. Trying to trace the memories on this island of a dismal love story ended on a wide melancholy falls falling on small circles of eyes is heart-breaking. I was this formidable force trying to attract your heed which made me repel your thoughts when suddenly words of goodbyes from your mouth were the ones to complete the pieces of realization in coming up with an unexpected ending conclud...

Frontliner: The Savior of Today, The Hope of Tomorrow

Image As the war starts that the enemy can't be seen there these heros in disguised of a frontliner team The home for all the hopes within their mighty hands Love for the country, the human sphere and the land That will bring radiance as it shines to the place which is blinded by the light A benevolence that cares in each and everyone How tough is the war but do not matter We have our heroes and brave fronliners As soon as the sun will starts to shine We will all be healed and survived as one

Think before you click

 We are in a society where technology seems to control everything and because of it, we use this opportunity as a platform of exposing ourselves to any social networking sites. Issues began to pervade and one of those issues is the absence of privacy the fact that we are exposing ourselves too much the internet. We tend to disregard the concept of Thinking before clicking. Think before executing any actions because doing any action without the presence of good decision making is something that can affect ourlives more than we believe. #EtechISNHS #ThinkBeforeYouClick